According to theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM), hair problems mostly occur due to disorders of various organs in human body. So, to strengthen hair roots, prevent hair loss and promote hair growth, it’s extremely important to get rid of the health issues responsible for triggering hair problems. The section below would introduce you to four Chinese herbs that would improve your overall health and make you the proud owner of healthier, thicker, and more gorgeous hair. Read on to know more.


What is Chinese Herbs?

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dates back thousands of years and has remained relatively unchanged over the centuries. Its basic premise is that a crucial life force known as Qi flows through the body. Any Qi imbalance can result in disease and illness. An alteration in the opposite and complementary forces that make up the Qi is thought to be the most common cause of this imbalance. Both are referred to as yin and yang.

Ancient Chinese believed that humans are microcosms of the larger surrounding universe, and are interconnected with nature and subject to its forces. Balance between health and disease is a key concept. TCM treatment seeks to restore this balance through treatment specific to the individual.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a healing system that dates back thousands of years in China. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) use herbs, diet, acupuncture, cupping, and qigong to prevent and cure health problems.

Traditional Chinese medicine is considered an alternative medicine in the United States, despite the fact that it is still practised alongside modern medicine in many of China’s medical facilities.

Herbal Therapies

The traditional Chinese herbal approach to treating hair problems is based on this understanding, and it focuses on both cooling excess heat in the blood and improving blood health.

Dong quai

Dong quai is used as a blood tonic in Chinese medicine to improve the health of the hair, for example, by improving the condition and shine.

This herb is often used to invigorate the blood and promote good blood circulation across the body in Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Biota, also known as Chinese thuja, has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat hair loss and encourage hair growth.

It’s also been used in TCM to relieve blood heat. This action helps to keep the hair follicles (tiny dimples in the scalp from which hair grows) healthy and relieves scalp itchiness.

White peony, cuscuta, rehmannia, szechuan lovage, and Chinese licorice are some of the other herbs commonly used with dong quai and biota in TCM.

Herbal therapy is perhaps the most commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment modality, second only to dietary therapy. Herbal treatments are used in TCM for both the treatment of illness as well as the optimization of wellbeing and disease prevention.There are currently 5,767 medicinal substances in use, which include plant, animal, and mineral sources.

The materia medica (book on TCM medicinal substances) contains details on each substance’s common uses, dosages, and contraindications, as well as any available drug interactions information and any reported conventional medical study. TCM evaluates medicinal substances based on their effects on specific vital substances, zang fu organ system resonance, jing luo system channels through which the substance is said to penetrate, and pathogenic factors and patterns of disharmony that the substance is said to resolve.

Chinese medicinal formulations can be made in a variety of ways:

  • Chinese herbal decoctions. Decoctions, China’s most common method of preparing a herbal formula, can take a long time to prepare and result in “teas” known for their strong flavour and aroma. As a result, decoctions are not as common or commonly used in the western world.
  • Herbal powders. Which can be combined with hot water to make a tea, are easier to prepare and use than conventional decoctions, and are less pungent.
  • Chinese Patent Formulas Outside of China, pre-made herbal formulations in pill or tablet form are probably the most commonly used form of Chinese herbal medicine.
  • Syrups. These herbal formulations, which are soothing preparations for coughs and sore throats, are also a convenient way to give herbal formulations to kids.
  • Liniments. External applications include salves, compresses, and plasters. Herbal therapy is perhaps the most commonly used TCM treatment modality, second only to dietary therapy. Herbal treatments are used in TCM for both the treatment of illness as well as the optimization of wellbeing and disease prevention.

How nutrition helps?

Certain nutrients, in addition to Chinese herbs, will help you maintain your hair’s health. Consider biotin to prevent hair loss if you don’t get enough of it from your diet, and zinc to keep thick, healthy hair in good shape and strength if you don’t get enough of it from your diet.

Always read the label before using anything. Stick to the instructions. Talk with your doctor if your symptoms continue, worsen, or alter suddenly.

Herbs from China that can aid in the treatment of hair loss

If you’re suffering from hair loss, Chinese herbs can help. Chinese herbs have been shown to promote hair growth in studies (1). (2). These are beneficial not only for treating hair loss, but also for treating hair discoloration and restoring its natural pigmentation (3).

We’ve compiled a list of five Chinese herbs that can help prevent hair loss in this article. Take a glance around.

You Should Try These Chinese Herbal Hair Loss Remedies

  • 1. Fo-ti
  • 2. Reishi Mushroom
  • 3. Nu Zhen Zi
  • 4. Wu Wei Zin
  • 5. Morus Albus


The Chinese herb fo-ti is the most widely used. He-shou-wu is another name for it. Fo-ti has been used to treat hair loss and baldness for centuries (4). It may also improve blood supply and restore hair’s natural pigmentation.

Reishi Mushroom

Hair tonics also include the reishi mushroom. It’s also known as lingzhi. Antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties are all present in it (5). (6). It has anti-aging and anti-pigmentation properties that can aid in the maintenance of healthy hair (6). It also has the ability to shield hair from photodamage (6).

According to a mouse review, the reishi mushroom promotes hair development and can be used to treat alopecia (7).

Reishi mushroom produces 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, according to another report (8). The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase transforms testosterone to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). Increased levels of 5-alpha-reductase contribute to increased levels of DHT, which leads to hair loss. This is something that the reishi mushroom can help with.

Nu Zhen Zi

This herb aids in the development of black hair (9). It also has antiviral effects, which can aid in the health and cleanliness of the scalp. It also stimulates the immune system and aids in the removal of toxins from the body. Nu-Shen-Zi stimulates blood flow to the scalp.

Wu Wei Zin

This herb is well-known for its ability to improve one’s appearance. It’s also a tonic that aids in blood purification. In a rat sample, Wu wei zin revealed hair growth-promoting factors (10). It may also aid in the reduction of hair loss and the prevention of photoaging (11).

Morus Albus

Morus alba was found to promote hair growth in mice in a 2008 study (12). While there hasn’t been much human research done on this plant, there is plenty of anecdotal proof that it can help avoid hair loss and greying.

These Chinese herbs can be used as a home remedy on a daily basis. They have the advantage of being able to be grown in your kitchen garden or as a window sill plant.

The Chinese hair care approach uses the ancient yin and yang concepts to solve the issue at its source. These herbs can be found in some of the city’s nearby Chinese markets. Furthermore, they are not very expensive and are usually sold in simple to use formats.

There are a variety of ways to consume these herbs. Boiling them in water and then using the remaining water for cooking is a popular process. They can also be eaten fresh, which is how the Chinese do it. If you’re going to eat them raw, make sure the herbs are thoroughly washed.

Try these Chinese herbs for hair loss if you’re tired of the same old hair care remedies that don’t work. Begin using them on a daily basis to see how much of a difference they can make in a short period of time.

Does chinese herbs for hair growth work?

Both men and women are concerned about hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal changes. Hair loss or thinning may be caused by a variety of medical conditions, including thyroid disease.

While there is no magic bullet for growing hair, studies have shown that certain herbs can help delay hair loss and encourage new growth. However, it’s worth noting that a lot of the research has been conducted on animals. More research is required to prove their efficacy in humans.

Continue reading to learn how herbal remedies will help you grow your hair faster. Before incorporating herbs into your daily routine, consult your doctor, particularly if your hair loss is caused by a medical condition.


He Shou Wu (Tuber Fleeceflower Root)

Are you worried about grey hairs? He Shou Wu will take you back to black. This herb has a reputation as a “longevity tonic” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for preventing ageing effects including premature greying hair.

It also helps to improve the kidney and liver’s health. so that toxins are excreted more quickly and the body has the ability to perform other tasks Hopefully, those locks will grow.

Dang Gui Pian (Chinese Angelica Root)

Dang Gui Pian has a reputation for being a blood tonic, and for good reason. Iron, a mineral linked to increased oxygen absorption in the bloodstream, is present in the plant. This means that even after a hard day at work, you’ll have enough steam for a night out with friends.
It also contains coumarin, a substance that is thought to dilate blood vessels and eliminate muscle spasms. Because of the herb’s blood-boosting effects, the hair follicles will receive high-quality, nutrient-rich blood.

Dang Sheng (Codonopsis Pilosul Root)

Have you been suffering from the flu for weeks? Try Dang Sheng (also known as Codonopsis root), an inexpensive herb that TCM practitioners often use as a cold remedy.

Also if you don’t have a cold, you can shield yourself from the virus going around the office –Dang Sheng is thought to help the immune system in general. It’s also known as a blood circulation herb, so you’ll feel revitalised as well.

Ling Zhi (Reishi Mushroom)

Not all mushrooms are created equal, and we’re not talking about the so-called “magical” varieties. Though garden-variety mushrooms are considered nutritious and low in calories, Ling Zhi (Reishi mushroom) takes it a step further with immune-boosting properties.

Antioxidants and alkaloids in the herb are said to slow down the ageing process: the former protects cells from free radical damage, while the latter dilates blood vessels. This ensures that more blood, oxygen, and nutrients are circulated around the body, which is great news for those who want radiant, glowing skin.


Stress seems to be a significant contributor to hair loss. Try some ginseng, which is known for reducing tension and bringing you into the zen zone. You’ll also be more alert, as ginseng is thought to boost mental performance.

If you’re constantly sneezing, ginseng is said to help alleviate the unpleasant reaction your nose has when your allergies are caused.

Ce Bai Ye (English name: oriental arborvitae leaf and twig)-

If described from the perspective of TCM, Ce Bai Ye is cold, boast astringent-like properties, and is bitter in taste. The primary functions of the herb include stopping bleeding, cooling down blood, clearing wind-damp, dispersing pyogenic infections, and improving overall health of the user’s hair. The herb is not only instrumental in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth, but has also been found to prevent premature graying of hair.

The main indications and uses of Ce Bai Ye include nosebleed, bloody flux, hematuria, metrostaxis, metrorrhagia, hematochezia, bacillary dysentery, cough, arthralgia caused by wind-dampness, hypertension, premature graying of hair, alopecia areata triggered by heating of blood, mumps, scalding, erysipelas etc.

To get rid of hair problems, you can either consume the herb in form of powder, tea pills, or decoctions or apply it topically. For topical application, you would either need to form a paste by mashing the herb or prepare a brew by soaking the herb in hot water for several minutes.

Chinese herbalists use to prescribe Ce Bai Ye when people used to suffer from hair loss and premature graying of hair due to increased temperature of blood and/or kidney dysfunctions.

Bai Shao (English name: White Peony)-

This ancient Chinese herb is highly beneficial in improving immune health and stopping hair loss. Bai Shao is known for showcasing strong antioxidant and astringent properties and assisting with allergies.

However, it’s primarily known for its capability of promoting hair growth by improving your scalp health and eliminating other physical factors responsible for causing hair loss.

The presence of Bai Shao in our system works by increasing our body’s anti-inflammatory properties. This allows us to counteract different scalp problems caused by hormonal imbalances. Particularly, women suffering from hormonal disorders or immune system disorders like PCOS or alopecia have been found to be significantly benefited by Bai Shao.

The herb works by promoting immune homeostasis, which in turn promotes healthy hair growth. Regular consumption of a decoction prepared from the herb would balance the production of pro-inflammatory and inflammation-suppressing cells naturally and thereby reduce hair fall caused by alopecia areata effectively.

You will be benefited by the herb even if you are suffering from male pattern baldness; that’s because the herb is instrumental even in lowering testosterone production and increasing estrogen production.

Du Zhong (English Name: Eucommia Bark)-

Like the other Chinese herbs discussed above, Du Zhong is also capable of improving the functioning of various organs found in human body. According to theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Du Zhong is a herb capable of invigorating the kidneys and nourishing the liver.

It is also often used for strengthening bones, tendons, and ligaments, relieving back aches, and treating impotence. Several studies conducted over the years have testified that liver and kidney disorders are two of the main causes of hair loss and impaired hair growth. Du Zhong, due to its ability of improving kidney and liver health, is widely used as a hair loss remedy.

Another factor that makes the herb a perfect hair loss remedy is its ability of delaying the aging process. Hair loss is one of the most vital signs of aging; when consumed in right quantity, the herb not only prevents hair loss, but also enhances hair texture making them shinier than ever before.

Gou qi zi (English name: Goji Berry)-

Ancient Chinese medicine hails Gou qi zi as the most powerful tonic for liver and kidney health. In addition, the herb has also been found to strengthen joints and bones, aid weight loss, delay the aging process, and increase our body’s ability to endure heat and cold.

In ancient China, the herb was used widely for treating conditions like watery eyes, forgetfulness, dizziness, weak knees, nocturnal emissions, diabetes, and a series of other health disorders.

A number of modern clinical studies have also confirmed that Gou qi zi is capable of regulating our immune system functions, slowing down the aging process, reducing blood cholesterol, fighting fatty liver, enhancing kidney health, reducing blood sugar, inhibiting cell mutation and tumor growth, and promoting hematopoiesis.

Recent Result.

In recent years, Gou qi zi has gained significant popularity as a herbal remedy for hair loss. According to the perspective of TCM, excessive hair loss is a common outcome of decreased kidney energy. As a result, Gou qui zi is often prescribed as a treatment for  hair loss.

Our hair turns greasy when the sebaceous gland in our scalp becomes overactive. This happens primarily in individuals suffering from some form of liver disorder. Greasy hair catches dirt and dust more easily.

It is often the main cause of scalp infections that lead to severe hair loss. Gou qi zi boasts the ability to boost liver function and thereby helps us in getting rid of oily hair.

Carotene, which is a primary agent found in Gou qi zi, helps in supplementing vitamin A. A vitamin known for promoting hair growth. Vitamin A works by improving blood circulation in the scalp and brings an end to problems like dry scalp. A common cause of itchiness in the scalp and hair loss.

The calcium, phosphorus, and various other trace elements present in this Chinese berry. On the other hand, helps in stopping hair loss caused by excessive stress, poor lifestyle, and endocrine disorders.

Other Nutrients

Another vital nutrient present in the berry is vitamin C. Vitamin C’s ability to promote collagen synthesis gives Gou qi zi the ability to promote hair growth.

For experiencing hair strengthen effects of the herb, you can consume it both dried and fresh. In addition, the market also has several brands of ready-to-use Gou qi zi teas, supplements, and juices.

Why not use these herbs to combat a common ailment now that you’ve learned about their benefits? We’re talking about hair loss and thinning hair, which affects a large number of people.

Chinese herbal medicine contains Chinese herbs for hair growth and prevents hairloss.

these Chinese herbal supplements are best way to get cure from hair loss.